Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Engel's Universe on Tour #2: BERLINER COMICMESSE

Item! Engel's Universe continues touring the Comic Book Circuit, peddling stuff at various Shows! 

Next stop will be the solid BERLINER COMICMESSE. Located at the Ellington Hotel in Charlottenburg, Sun April 26 from 10:00 a.m. - 16:00 p.m.

Many vintage & current Comic Book dealers and fellow artists presenting a wide range of cool stuff! More info here and on Facebook.

Hope to see ya!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Engel's Universe on Tour #1: COMIC INVASION BERLIN!

It's spring! Engel's Universe is back on Tour, peddling stuff at various Shows! 

First will be the ambitious COMIC INVASION BERLIN. Located at Urban Spree in Friedrichshain, from Sat & Sun April 18. & 19. you can see what Berlin comic artists and publishers has to offer! More info here.

You can find there in the upper right corner:

I have plenty stuff with me, so don't be lazy! Looking forward to see you!

Next stop will be Berliner Comicmesse, April 26.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Fighting the Flu....

Some mean influenza virus got hold of me and knocked me out of the saddle. Yikes!