Monday, December 28, 2009

Software ad cartoons....

10 years ago I did 42 cartoon ads taking over from legendary artist Gerhard Seyfried for a local Software company called SAPERION. Published weekly in a trade paper for one year. Starring the »Homo Saperion« and an Giant Snail trying to make fun of some news, industry standards and events back then.
With, ...uhh, mixed results... Pen, ink & Photoshop, 2000.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

The swamp witch...

Acrylics on board from 2008. Served as a cover for the HORRORSCHOCKER comic book for Weissblechcomics.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas....

.... and don't overeat!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Love and Death....

Yeah, long time no post. Still in transit, but close to the finish line.
What's Death reading in his spare time? Look and find out....

Sticker motive for the local Modern Graphics Comic Book Shop. Ink and Photoshop.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Proof of Life: A Cyclops of Colossa!

Still alive and painting: Here is arecent finished Cyclops from the classic design by Ray Harryhausen, sculpted by Shawn Naegle. Acrylics, airbrush and pastels. Hope you dig him ....

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Captain Berlin saves the day....

...and kicks some Nazi butts! This retro-style illustration is the warm-up to the "Captain Berlin vs. Hitler" DVD booklet, sporting a 8 page origin story of the "Retter der Welt" created by director Joerg Buttgereit of "Necromantik" fame. Concieved by Joerg, Levin Kurio and me it shed some light of the first entcounter of the Captain with the dictator... Style wise I tried to channel Jack Kirby (co-creator of Captain America) and used some of his action poses and mannerisms, so the obvious similarities are intentional. The basic coloration was done by Levin Kurio, I added the yellowed paper, the heavy dots and the imperfections on the line art with Photoshop. The low-res Jpeg here unfortunately kills the vintage 4-color dot effect....

More Captain Berlin coming soon!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Goodbye Michael.....

Strange day indeed, another part of my youth died today: Michael Jackson, the King of Pop. Even I found his antics, especially the past years, quite alienating, but his album "Thriller" is still one of my favorite records. Every song a gem, but this track (and its perfect video directed by John Landis and Vincent Price rapping) is the greatest EVER:

Rest in peace, Michael. Hope you are now in your own perfect "Neverland". A strange day indeed....

Another Angel is in heaven now....

A true 70ties icon and one of my childhood heroines has passed away: Farrah Fawcett, one of the original "Charlie's Angels" cast members, a fighter in real life and on the screen - a brave Lady to the end....R.I.P.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

More Giant Monsters from the far east: Gomess of Ultra-Q

Billiken is one of the pioneer GK Companies, since the late 80ties they producing topnotch vinyl models of American and Japanese Movie/TV characters. I this case here it's Gomess of the vintage Nippon TV series "Ultra-Q". He starred in the first episode. Looks familiar, don't he? He was made from an old Godzilla costume, SFX wizard Eji Tsuburaya wanted to save some serious Yen and just redecorated an old suit he had lying around. 
Billiken's model kit is spot on, detailed and even the rubber suit feeling is still there. Painted with acrylics and Airbrush.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Destroy all Monsters!

One more finished commission: Godzilla's oldest friend/foe Angilas/Anguirus in his brandnew 1968 costume from the Toho flick "Destroy all Monsters" (1968) by the Japanese Company IMAGE.

This resin kit is more on the small side, but due to spikes quite hard to handle. Painted with acrylics, airbrush and Games Workshop washes.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Wonderfest'09 build up #2: Lon Chaney as Quasimodo bust

Next build up from this years Wonderfest haul: Silver Screen Icons Hunchback of Notre Dame bust from the vintage silent screen version starring Lon Chaney. Sculpted by Mark VanTyne in 1:4 scale and cast in resin. Painted with acrylics using Airbrush, splatters and pastels.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Even more Monstrology Models: Petro the Mad Monster

Here is another classic Monstrolgy Model from the Collection: Glenn Strange as the Petro  from the movie "The Mad Monster" (1942). Monstrology Models line of obscure resin model kit is now in the capable hands of Fritz Frising of Long Island, NY . They are now available on his website here.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

7th Voyage of Sindbad: The Cyclops....

Finally after collecting dust on the shelf for over two years I finally finished this nice kit from "Tower of London", sculpted by Joe Laudati....
The Cyclops has haunted numerous kiddies nightmares since his first appearance in Nathan Juran's "The 7th Voyage of Sinbad" 1958. Stop-Motion wizard Ray Harryhausen breathed life into the ancient creature of lore. A flawless design and unforgettable performance indeed.

Painted with arcylics, airbrush and pastels. Unfortunately out of production.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

More Monstrology Models: The Apeman and the Haunted Strangler... !!!

More GK-History: Karloff as "The Haunted Strangler" bust and Lugosi as "The Apeman". Both sculpted by Jon Wang showing his love for really obscure vintage movies. Both are in 1:6 scale and rare as hell, thanks to Jon Wang for "The Apeman" and Ebay for the "Strangler".

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Monstrology Models presents: Miss Shock !!!

Here is a little, charming piece of GK-History: Monstrology Models "Miss Shock" 1:6 scale resin bust. Sculpted in the early 90ties by owner Jon Wang it was one of his first releases. By today's standards the sculpt looks a bit soft, but it has a kind of "fine art" approach I really like. Thanks to Jon and Fritz  I finally could add her to my collection.

Miss Shock was Supercollector and Hollywood apeman Bob Burns wife Kathy in gory make up; she appeared in several TV shows scaring the audiences. If you're interested I can recommend George Chastain's web site dedicated to the TV Horror hosts of the past. Don't forget to browse through his gallery filled with terrific  artwork ....Check it out here!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Salty Sea Dogs ...

Box art illustration for a line of funny Pirate model kit busts sculpted by the uebertalented  Andy Bergholtz. Typography isn't the greatest and subject to changes, but it's still unpublished to this day. Acrylics on paper, 2008.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Steaming bedrooms and "magic" potions....

The German Sex merchant Beate Uhse's life was highlighted in an article for the Berlin magazine Zitty  in 1999. They asked for a humorous portrait and received it.  Mrs. Uhse kept German bedrooms steaming since the the opening of the world's first Sex shop in 1962, selling pictorial orientated literature, naughty toys, mischievous underwear and magic potions. She passed away in 2001. 

Monday, June 1, 2009

Wonderfest'09 build up #1: Frankenstein's Monster bust (Wrightson style)

The first post Wonderfest build up finished: Bad Karma Shane McGowin's new Frankenstein's Monster bust (Wrightson style) sculpted by GK veteran Shawn Naegle.

He bought the sculpt recently from Spoiled Brat Models Dale who failed to get it casted.... it was my last minute purchase before the shows ended.

It's made of resin, 1:4 scale, painted with airbrush, splatters and pastels....mainly.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Stuff from the dump #6: The Dragon's liar

A rough and fast pencil sketch done in 2001 for the computer game "Wiggles". Never made it into the final version...

Friday, May 29, 2009

Two Headed Dragon ...

Another sketch from the dump: A two-headed dragon for an Advertisement agency 10 years ago. Fineliner & some Photoshop pimping, 1999.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Friday, May 22, 2009

Welten des Schreckens / Worlds of Terror

Now the cat's out of the bag, here is the new cover for a new German Comic Book: Welten des Schreckens (Worlds of Terror).

Here is the Editor's press release (sorry, only available in German):
"Nachdem Charon, der finstere Fährmann, uns schon seit nahezu zwanzig Ausgaben mit hammerharten Horrorschockern versorgt, haben sich bei uns noch zwei andere ehrenwerte Gestalten aus mythischer Vorzeit eingefunden, um den nach Unterhaltung lechzenden WEISSBLECH-Lesern extralange und extrafantastische Geschichten zu bringen: Scylla und Charibdis haben ihre Monsterhöhle verlassen und teilen uns ihre Visionen mit - Visionen aus Welten der Fantasy, der Zukunft und aus Welten fern der unseren ... Visionen aus WELTEN des SCHRECKENS!

In den ersten zwei Ausgaben wird es neben einer extralangen Geschichte mit der Urweltamazone KALA auch ein Wiedersehen mit dem Förster aus dem Argsteinuniversum geben, welcher seine ersten Auftritte bereits bei Ehapa sowie im Heavy-Metal-Magazine hatte. Weitere Fantasy-Geschichten und Ausflüge in die Welt der Science-Fiction runden das pralle Unterhaltungspaket ab, wir wissen aber noch nicht genau, welche Geschichte in welche Nummer kommt, also nagelt uns nicht darauf fest! 

Zum Konzept: WELTEN des SCHRECKENS wird mit stolzen 68 Seiten Umfang als Album im Weissblech-Heftformat (oder Prestige oder Paperback oder wie man etwas mit einem festen Rücken auch immer nennt) daher kommen und wahrscheinlich 7,80 € kosten. Geplant sind vorerst zwei Ausgaben jährlich, ein Vierer-Abo wird 30,- € kosten.Vorraussichtlicher Erscheinungstermin der ersten Ausgabe ist so etwa August! WELTEN des SCHRECKENS wird im Comicfachhandel, im Bahnhofsbuchhandel und (per Bestellung) wohl auch im Buchhandel zu haben sein!"

Here is the painting without the titels: The face sculpture in the right upper corner sadly gets cropped everytime....

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Last minute addition: The Creature!

Leaving tomorrow for Garage kit Garlore! Just before departure another painting done for an old friend: The Creature from the Black Lagoon. Acrylics on cardboard, 2009.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Captain Berlin: Original or Fake?

True Fans even create their own posters. Found by Jörg Buttgereit at the "Weekend of Fear" in beautiful Erlangen past weekend. I'm flattered.... and amused.

Friday, May 8, 2009

The Creature walks among us!

Fresh from the bench: "The Creature walks among us!" A scene from the third and final installment of the "Creature from the Black lagoon" trilogy painted for Adam Dougherty aka the Kreature Kid. A young amazingly talented sculptor and Creature addict, check out his work on MySpace here. Acrylics on cardboard, 2009.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Black Bat...returns.

This is my second, brand new rendition of the 30's Pulp hero "The Black Bat" from the magazine "Black Book Detective". I used a model kit of Batman by Argentinian sculptor Alterton for lightning reference. Staying away from illustrating a certain scene from any of the stories seemed a good idea. I realized that a more generic, but moody scenery shows the essence of this mysterious character best. A third one is in the making.....  Acrylics on board, 2009.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Missing Link ... Model Kit boxart

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present you the latest freak of nature:
The grotesque ... Missing Link !!!

From the Other Nature Odditorium comes the Missing Link !!I did the artwork for the packaging of the original design figurine created and sculpted by Conneticut artist Mike Falcigno. Wanna build your own freakshow? He's available as a model kit here... !!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Fresh from the cave comes this prehistoric face only a Paleontologist can love: Illustration done for the animated sequence of "Ein göttlicher Job". Brushpen, ink and Photoshop, 2000.